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Nursery Conkers Class

Nursery Conkers Class

Nursery Conkers Class Key Information

Nursery Conkers Class

Key information

Dates for the diary

Inside Out Forest School  September

Conkers class Curriculum map

ClassTeacher: Mrs Wood Doyle

Teaching Assistant Mrs Rachael Kennington


Curriculum Overview

Our Nursery Day

8.40 Arrive, settle and hang up coats and bags.

8.45 Carpet time to register and discuss our learning project.

8.55/9.00. Adult led activities connected to our project, snack and free choice of play.

9.40. Tidy and then Literacy time on the carpet.

10.00 Outdoors on the ;large playground or whole class walk around the field.

10.15 Small outdoor area.

10.30. Maths input on the carpet.

10.40 Adult led follow up activities to rotate around.

10.55 Free choice indoors and outside.

11.20 Tidy up and story time.

11.45. Dinner  or home time

Register and free choice.

1.15 Free flow with Acorns class

2.10. Tidy up and snack.

2.30. Free choice inside and outside.

3.00 Story and singing

3.15. End of school


In Nursery at Gamesley Primary, we start to teach reading using rhymes and sounds. During the Summer Term we start to introduce a scheme called Read, Write Inc to the pupils.

We encourage a love of books . often sharing books during the day and helping the children to choose books to share at home. We change their books with them on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The children receive a free book of their choice once they have shared fifty books at home. We also award a Reader of the week certificate each week and for this they also receive a free book to keep.

To find out more from the Read, Write Inc Parent Guide, click on the link below-

Play along with the fun and friendly letters of the alphabet as they work together to make words and tell stories using phonics.

Enjoy different stories with your child using the CBeebies website-


Our Daily Routine