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Year 6 Oak Class 2024/2025

Year 6 Oak Class 2024/2025

Year 6 Oak Class Key Information

Teachers:     Miss Lydia Regan and Miss Ashleigh Martin

Teaching Assistants:  Mrs Dixon

PE day:  Tuesday

Spelling Test:  Friday

Times Table Test: Friday

Our Autumn Projects

Click on the pictures for more information about the projects, useful documents and links –



Our Spring Projects

Click on the pictures for more information about the projects, useful documents and links –

Our Summer Projects

Our Class Novels

Our Termly class Novels –

Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer
Fly me home The Invention of Hugo Cabret Darwin’s Voyage of Discovery Grimm Tales for Young and Old Beetle Boy
Polly Ho-Yen Brian Selznick Jake Williams Joan Aiken M.G Leonard
Leelu feels lost and alone after finding herself in a new city which is grey, dirty, noisy and cold; a world away from the place she calls ‘home’.  Living in a dilapidated flat in a forgotten part of the city and feeling like an outsider at school, Leelu wishes she could fly the thousands of miles back home to where her dad has had to stay behind.  When her mum takes on a job working nights and her brother starts sneaking out of the house, Leelu begins to feel even more isolated. ORPHAN, CLOCK KEEPER, AND THIEF.

Twelve-year-old Hugo lives in the walls of a busy Paris train station, where his survival depends on secrets and anonymity.

But when his world suddenly interlocks with an eccentric girl and her grandfather, Hugo’s undercover life, and his most precious secret, are put in jeopardy.

A cryptic drawing, a treasured notebook, a stolen key, a mechanical man, and a hidden message from Hugo’s dead father form the backbone of this intricate, tender, and spellbinding mystery.

This is a wonderful celebration of history’s most remarkable journey; published to celebrate 160 years of Charles Darwin’s ground-breaking text on evolution: On The Origin of Species. Step on-board The Beagle and follow the remarkable journey that inspired almost all modern-day knowledge of the natural world. From England to Cape Verde, Brazil to the Galapagos, Tahiti to Australia; discover the wildlife of Charles Darwin – giant sloths, platypus, tarantulas, fireflies and more. As well as gorgeous artwork and fascinating information on the journey, this book also features the equipment used by Darwin and cross-sections of the ship itself. Wicked wolves and a grim governess threaten Bonnie and her cousin Sylvia when Bonnie’s parents leave Willoughby Chase for a sea voyage. Left in the care of the cruel Miss Slighcarp, the girls can hardly believe what is happening to their once happy home. The servants are dismissed, the furniture is sold, and Bonnie and Sylvia are sent to a prison-like orphan school. It seems as if the endless hours of drudgery will never cease. As a reader we immediately warm to Darkus who – despite losing both parents, spending time in a truly horrible foster home and facing the bullies at school – doesn’t complain. Instead he focuses on finding his dad and saving the beetles in the house next door. The characters are simply brilliant, they spring to life off the pages, but perhaps the character who stands out the most is the evil antagonist, Lucretia Cutter.


Each week we have a list of 10 spellings that follow a particular spelling rule. The children practise these words in class throughout the week but also need to practise these words at home. Click on the documents below to access the termly overviews.

English Appendix 1 – Spelling

Statutory spellings Years 3 and 4 – word mat

Statutory spellings Years 5 and 6 – Word mat


Our Class Spelling Lists

Year-6-Autumn-Spelling-List-1 (2)


Year 6 Spring 1 Spelling List

Year 6 Spring 2 Spelling List


Our Maths Curriculum Overview –

Click on the units to download the Knowledge Organisers (A document that contains short explanations, making it clear to the student as to what is essential to learn)

Autumn Spring Summer
Unit 1: Place Value within 10,000,00

Unit 2/3: Four Operations

Unit 4/5: Fractions

Unit 6: Measure – Imperial and Metric Measures

Unit 7: Ratio and Proportion

Unit 8: Algebra

Unit 9: Decimals

Unit 10: Percentages

Unit 11: Measure – Perimeter, area and volume

Unit 12: Statistics

Unit 13: Geometry – Properties of Shape

Unit 14: Position and Direction

Unit 15: Problem Solving


Home Learning

Spellings and Times Tables for the week are sent home every Monday via Class Dojo. Children are expected to practise these at home ahead of the spelling and times tables tests on a Friday.

Children each have their own White Rose Maths homework book, which is sent home every Thursday and expected back in the following Thursday. We assign 2 pages from the White Rose homework books to be completed each week. These are announced via Class Dojo.

Project Homework

Each term, we will send home project homework booklets. Children are expected to choose one or two activities from these, and return their work to school by a specified date. Parents are invited in to view the project homework in the hall.

Key Dates