Year 4 Chestnut Class 2024-2025
Year 4 Chestnut Class Key Information
Teacher: Miss Clare Dangerfield
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Kirsty Taylor and Miss Kerry Parkin
Weekly Spelling Test: Every other Friday
Times Tables Test: Every other Friday
PE Day: Monday
Brass Lesson Day: Wednesday
What’s happening in the Autumn term?
Please click the subject and project title to find out more about what the children are learning about this term.
Computing: The Internet and Creating Media
French: All Around Town and On the Move
PSHE: Being Me and Celebrating Differences
PE: Football and Netball
What’s happening in the Spring term?
Please click the subject and project title to find out more about what the children are learning about this term.
Computing: Computer Skills and Programming A
French: Where in the World? and Gone Shopping
PSHE: Dreams & Goals and Healthy Me
PE: Gymnastics and Tag Rugby
What’s happening in the Summer term?
Please click the subject and project title to find out more about what the children are learning about this term.
Computing: Photo Editing and Programming-Repetition in games
French: Going Shopping and Hobbies & Holidays
PSHE: Relationships and Changing Me
PE: Cricket, Rounders and Athletics
At Gamesley, we believe that reading is an essential part of learning. This term our class novels are: Beowulf and Operation Gadgetman!
In class, we encourage children to choose texts that will challenge and excite them. They can choose a chapter book from our class library or stage book from the school library.
At home, we expect children to read at least 5 times a week for around 20 minutes. In Year 4, children should be in charge of bringing in their own reading records and ensuring they are signed by a grown up. In school, children are in charge of changing their book. We encourage children to do this in the morning during registration time.
Our spellings are taught on a fortnightly cycle, with a spelling test on the last Friday.
Each week, our spellings will be posted on our Class Dojo page. Please ensure that children are practising them at home where possible!
Times Tables
We focus on a specific timetable for at least 2 weeks. During the 2 weeks, children will complete Step 1, 2 and 3 of the program, and will have mini assessments which will help determine when to move onto the next timetable.
Each week, times tables we are learning will be posted on our Class Dojo page. To help consolidate the learning we are doing in school, please continue practising the timetables at home through Time Tables Rockstar or any other method you would like.
Each week, we will also set two pages of their White Rose learning book which link to our learning in school. These should be completed and returned for the following Thursday so that we can mark them together.
Home Learning
Children are now able to take their Chromebook home to support them with their home learning. If you haven’t already, please complete a permission letter and return to school as soon as possible.
Children are encouraged to access a range of learning websites, such as: