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PE and Sports

PE and Sports

At Gamesley Primary School our vision for P.E is…

For all students to enjoy PE and to participate in PE because they know that this develops physical and mental well-being. For students to leave our school excited and enthusiastic about PE and Sport. For students to understand the importance of making healthy choices and to feel good about themselves.  

What does P.E look like at Gamesley Primary School?

Lower School: P.E is about moving our bodies, to stay fit and healthy both physically and mentally. It is also about learning how to make healthy food choices.  

Upper School: P.E is about becoming confident in the development of our own health and fitness (both physical and mental). We know that this is achievable through engaging in competitive games and sports and eating a healthy balanced diet. 

PE lessons are delivered daily by class teachers, supported by our Sports Coach Mr Siddall through the P.E Passport scheme. We work to skills-based outcomes focussing on attacking and defending, invasion games, running, jumping and throwing, sending and receiving, fundamental movement skills and creative movements. In the Infants the children learn through a Multi-sports approach, in order to ensure they possess the skills needed to engage in both competitive and team-based sports in the Juniors. 

Here are our current, KS2 P.E topics: 

Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 3 Spring 4 Summer 5 Summer 6
Football Netball Dance and Gymnastics Tag Rugby Cricket/Rounders Athletics


What does P.E look like in Reception?

In Reception the children focus on gross motor movements within their daily and weekly provision. On occasions they will access a whole class session in the hall or outside areas. All of these experiences link to the outcomes of the EYFS. They’re overall physical and movement based assessments are undertaken by the EYFS lead at the end of the Reception year. For this reason, the P.E Passport scheme is not used in Reception. From the Summer Term, the children will take part in a weekly, hour long P.E lesson to help prepare them for the expectations of Year 1. Before this, the Reception curriculum is focussed on embedding the necessary skills for the children to access P.E Passport lessons from Year 1. In Reception, children also access ‘Little Bikers’ in the Autumn Term. These balance bike sessions develop confidence, skills and safety when on a bike. 


What does P.E look like in Orchard Class?

The Orchard children receive ‘Sensory Circuits’ each week, these focuses on the skills of alertness and learning behaviours through physical activity. The children also engage with ‘Active for 15’ as often as possible on the school field. We have recently introduced the Twinkl P.E scheme for the children in Orchard Class, which they access as often as possible. 


How is our progress in P.E monitored and assessed?

The children are assessed at six points throughout the school year (each half term). At the end of each half term, any children who need a little more support in picking up any of the taught skills for that half term, are given time within the lesson to go over those skills. We are currently in a transitional phase towards using P.E Passport for our P.E assessments. The children in Reception are assessed against the expectations of the Early Years Foundation Stage documentation and work towards the ELG for Gross Motor Skills and some elements of Fine Motor Skills. 



Year 4 pupils attend weekly swimming lessons with the objective that they learn to swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres, using a range of strokes. Any pupils that do not achieve this standard by the end of Year 4 will be targeted for additional swimming courses beyond the core teaching timetable. 


Extra – Curricular Sports 

School staff who have a particular interest or skill provide after school sports clubs in which they have a given interest in and/or coaching expertise. Our Sports Coach, Mr Siddall, runs sports-based clubs after school each week night from 3.15pm-4.00pm. Football club will run all year as this links with competitions within the Autumn Term and allows our coaches to train our football teams ready for the coming academic year.  

You can read more about our PE and Sports provision in our P.E Spotlight Document