We expect all our children to wear correct school uniform. We believe that dressing smartly for school supports good behaviours and attitudes and instils a sense of pride and belonging.
Bulldog Fashion in Glossop supply items of uniform with logos but it is also fine to dress your children in plain clothing in the school colours of dark grey, royal blue and sky blue.
We often have items of clean, good quality second hand uniform for sale for just £1.00 each from the school office and we are always grateful for any donations of uniform, which we can pass on, please speak to our school office staff for more information.
Items of clothing should be chosen from the list below:
- Royal Blue sweatshirt, jumper, fleece or cardigan with or without the school logo
- Sky blue long or short sleeved polo shirt with or without the school logo
- Dark grey full length or knee length tailored trousers worn with black or grey socks
- Dark grey knee length skirt or pinafore dress worn with black, grey or white socks or black, grey or royal blue tights.
- Sky blue and white checked knee length summer dress worn with white socks
- Flat black leather or leather style shoes or trainers which fasten securely to the foot with Velcro, buckles or laces (once children can tie them independently)
- For PE lessons: a t-shirt in plain black or house colours, plain black joggers or shorts with skins underneath and a plain black hoodie with or without the school logo. School provides all children with a logoed PE hoodie free of charge when they join the school.