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Religious Education

Religious Education

Religious Education is a compulsory subject and forms part of the National Curriculum.

The RE syllabus used at Gamesley Primary School is in line with the Derbyshire Agreed Syllabus in Key Stage One and Key Stage Two and is delivered using the “Cornerstones Love to Celebrate” RE scheme.

Within the framework of statutory requirements and those of the Derbyshire agreed syllabus, our aims in RE are to:

  • promote spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils
  • prepare children for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life
  • enable children to participate in their ongoing search for wisdom, through exploring questions raised by human experience and answered offered by the religions and beliefs of the wider community in order  to promote their personal development.

Our RE Lessons are exciting and vibrant, and are enriched with art, artefacts and music, drama and philosophy and links are made to history and geography. Each class has at least 1 RE experience each year to help deepen understanding.

Year Christianity Islam Judaism Hinduism
 1 Harvest Milad un Nabi *** ***
2 Christmas Jumu’ah *** ***
3 Lent The Hajj Shavuot Ganesh Chaturthi
4 Holy Week Eid ul-Adha Shabbat Janmashtami
5 Pentecost Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr Passover Holi
6 Sunday Lailat al Miraj Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur Kumbh Mela