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Lailat al Miraj

Lailat al Miraj celebrates the story of Muhammad’s Night Journey. The angel Jibreel (Gabriel) is said to have visited Muhammad while he slept near the Kabah in Mecca and taken him on a 666 mile journey to the farthest mosque, the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, on the back of a winged creature called Buraq.

When he reached Jerusalem, Muhammad is said to have ascended into heaven, prayed with the prophets including Isa (Jesus) and Ibrahim (Abraham) and met with Allah. Allah gave Muhammad the instruction that all Muslims should pray five times a day, which is Salat, one of The Five Pillars of Islam. Muhammad travelled back to Mecca on Buraq that same night and began to tell others of his Night Journey.

The Night Journey is celebrated by Muslims around the world. During the celebrations, the story is retold, special prayers are said and sweets and refreshments are shared.

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