Year 3 Holly Class 2024-2025
Year 3 Holly Class Key Information
Teacher: Miss Clare Dangerfield
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Tracey Delaney
Fortnightly Weekly Spelling Test: Every other Friday am
Fortnightly Times Tables Test: Every other Friday am
PE day: Thursday
Our class novels
Everyday after lunch, we read our class novel. This gives children a chance to use their imagine, develop vocabulary and discuss as a class.
Here are the spellings they will learn throughout year 3 and 4:
Times Tables
At Gamesley School, we understand “Mastery” to be the ability to fully grasp mathematical knowledge and understanding and be able to apply this confidently in different contexts. Pupils who have achieved “mastery” of a mathematical concept have not simply learned procedures. They “know why, know that, know how”.
We encourage children to practise their mathematics skills at home as often as possible. Some great websites for basic skills practice include:
Each week your child will be expected to complete Maths’ homework. This will be set on a Thursday and will need to be returned the following Thursday. Each week, the pages that need completing will be posted on Class Dojo.
Home Learning
Make sure you are connected to our Class Dojo page for updates on your individual child’s leaning.