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In the Habitats project, your child will learn what a habitat provides for the plants and animals that live there and that habitats contain both living and non-living things. They will identify living things using the seven life processes and sort the non-living things into those that have lived and those that have never lived. They will use spotting sheets to identify plants and animals from a woodland habitat by carefully observing their physical characteristics. They will research how a woodland habitat provides the things necessary for the survival of the animals that live there. Your child will learn about food chains and construct their own food chains for the woodland habitat. They will investigate the different ways prey animals avoid being eaten and conduct an investigation into animal camouflage. They will also look at the different methods plants use to avoid being eaten and group them according to how they defend themselves. Your child will then use the skills they have learned in the project to investigate the living things, food chains and adaptations in a mystery habitat.

Knowledge Organiser